Illustrado is a gallery and a studio where Dominique Jal works as an illustrator.
In the galerie, you can choose between quality posters, printed on art paper signed by the artist, postcards, magnets and children's books in collaboration with the musician Moussa Diallo.
All the illustrations are made by Dominique Jal in his studio on site.

About Illustrado
Illustrado is a gallery and a studio , located in the Christianshavn district of Copenhagen, where Dominique Jal works as an illustrator.
In the galerie, you can choose between quality posters, printed on art paper signed by the artist, postcards, magnets and children books in collaboration with the musician Moussa Diallo.
All the illustrations are made by Dominique Jal in his studio on site.
Dominique Jal:
Dominique Jal lives in Copenhagen and works as a freelance illustrator. He has collaborated with the most important communication agencies since 1997. He graduated from Lyon School of Fine Arts in France.
The fascinating amount of detail and careful use of color allows the viewer to recognize the atmosphere of Copenhagen and at the same time gives a solid realistic look. The combination of traditional drawing with digital techniques gives the particular texture so characteristic of his illustrations.

Digital print
Digital print with pigment inks (estampe pigmentaire, digigraphy or giclée): The word Giclée means “to spray.”
The term is now generally accepted to describe high quality artistic and photographic inkjet printing, on fine art and photo papers, using pigment inks. This printing process is perfect for fine art reproduction, photography, digital art and illustration.